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Managing Washington's Growth - Part III

with special guest Joseph Tovar, FAICP

In Part III of our podcast series on Managing Washington’s Growth we continue our conversation with Joseph Tovar, who is one of the ‘founding fathers’ of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and who continues to contribute to growth management and planning improvements.

In this episode we got the opportunity to cover the following:

  1. The importance of public participation in planning. How do you engage the public in planning?

  2. His time as a project manager at the Ruckelsaus Center for Collaborative Governance and his work on the Road Map to Washington’s Future, which became guidance to the Legislature on potential amendments to the GMA.

Got a question for Joe? You can email him here.

Permitted with Conditions Podcast
Zoning is rarely discussed and often controversial. Yet how and where you live, work, play, etc. is permitted (or not) by zoning. David Toyer, a land use expert and economic developer, shares insights, stories and analysis.