
Rural Economic Development - Part I

with special guest Becky McCray of SaveYour.Town

You probably didn’t know this, but 47% of the cities in the US have less than 1,000 people and 20% of the US is defined as rural - having less than 5,000 people (or 2,000 housing units). In this episode, David Toyer is joined by special guest Becky McCray of SaveYour.Town for a discussion on small town economic development and small business. This episode includes:

  • what is the “Idea Friendly” method of consulting

  • what’ the important of influencer tours

  • what’s the smallest community she’s worked with (spoiler: Avard, OK population 26)

  • thinking about being in the middle of everything, not in the middle of nowhere

  • and sharing ideas for how small communities can leverage assets

Stay tuned for Part II, coming soon!